Project Goals
1. To develop a strategy for a state‐wide, multi type library program for managing, storing and preserving print collections among public and private institutions to achieve greater efficiencies and extend the power of every dollar invested in collections and library facilities.
2. To expand access to existing digital book collections by developing print‐on‐demand (POD) and e‐bookon‐ demand (EOD) services to support long‐term management of a shared print collection, and the integration of digital resources with print collections.
3. To formalize organizational agreements, establish a budget, and develop policies essential for the maintenance of shared print and digital collections, access to them, and responsibility for sharing them.
Collection and use analysis of print collection
After MSCS decided not to renew OCLC’s WorldCat Collection Analysis, the MSCS Project Team researched collection analysis tools and agreed that Sustainable Collections Services (SCS) could provide the type of collection analysis services required. In February 2013, SCS and MSCS agreed to work together and have worked hard to produce a quick turnaround on the preparation and processing of data to be analyzed. Of particular importance was SCS’s consulting support and data reporting, which has allowed MSCS to make real progress on analysis and decision‐making.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/matthew_revitt/1/
James Jackson Sanborn, Technology Director
Sara Amato, Systems Librarian
Partner Organizations
Bangor Public Library
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Colby College
Maine InfoNet
Maine State Library
Portland Public Library
University of Southern Maine