Homeownership, Dissatisfaction and Voting
Journal of Housing Economics
This article explores the relationships between homeownership, dissatisfaction with city services, and voting turnout in local elections, using original survey data. Homeowners are more likely than renters to vote, but the pure effect of ownership is not robust to either basic socio-economic controls or an instrumental variable strategy. However, dissatisfaction has a positive, significant and robust effect on likelihood of voting. When interacting homeownership and dissatisfaction, the author finds that dissatisfied homeowners are significantly more likely to vote than both satisfied homeowners and all renters. This finding is consistent with Fischel’s (2001) homevoter hypothesis.
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Citation Information
Matthew J. Holian. "Homeownership, Dissatisfaction and Voting" Journal of Housing Economics Vol. 20 Iss. 4 (2011) Available at: