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Long-term memory, sleep, and the spacing effect
  • Matthew C. Bell, Santa Clara University
  • Nader Kawadri
  • Patricia M. Simone, Santa Clara University
  • Melody Wiseheart
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Taylor & Francis

Many studies have shown that memory is enhanced when study sessions are spaced apart rather than massed. This spacing effect has been shown to have a lasting benefit to long-term memory when the study phase session follows the encoding session by 24 hours. Using a spacing paradigm we examined the impact of sleep and spacing gaps on long-term declarative memory for Swahili–English word pairs by including four spacing delay gaps (massed, 12 hours same-day, 12 hours overnight, and 24 hours). Results showed that a 12-hour spacing gap that includes sleep promotes long-term memory retention similar to the 24-hour gap. The findings support the importance of sleep to the long-term benefit of the spacing effect.

Citation Information
Bell, M.C., Kawadri, N., Simone, P.M., & Wiseheart, M. (2014). Long-term memory, sleep, and the spacing effect. Memory, 22(3), 276-283. http://10.1080/09658211.2013.778294