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Innovation Sharing and Knowledge Exchange in Mid-Michigan: An NDSA Interview with MMDP
  • Nicole Smeltekop, Michigan State University
  • Matt Schultz, Grand Valley State University
In late 2016, I submitted a nomination proposal to the National Digital Stewardship Alliance's Innovation Awards on behalf of the Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners (MMDP). The nomination was accepted and the MMDP was presented with the award at the 2016 NDSA annual conference. Following the receipt of the award, Nicole Smeltekop (Michigan State University) and I agreed to be interviewed to discuss the innovation and knowledge sharing that is central to the MMDP community. The interview was published to the NDSA and the Digital Library Federation website on February 8th, 2017.
  • community development,
  • digital preservation,
  • digital collections,
  • digital curation,
  • innovation
Publication Date
Spring February 8, 2017
Citation Information
Smeltekop, N. and Schultz, M. (2017, February 8). Innovation Sharing and Knowledge Exchange in Mid-Michigan: An NDSA Interview with MMDP [Blog post]. Retrieved from: