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Intelligent application for Heart disease detection using Hybrid Optimization algorithm.pdf
Journal of Algorithms and Computation (2019)
  • Marzieh Eskandari, Alzahra University
  • Zeinab Hassani
Prediction  of heart  disease is very important because it
is one of the  causes of death  around  the  world.  More- over,  heart  disease prediction  in the  early  stage  plays a main role in the  treatment and  recovery disease and reduces costs of diagnosis disease and side effects it.  Ma- chine learning algorithms are able to identify an effective pattern for diagnosis and  treatment of the  disease and identify effective factors in the disease.  this paper is in- vestigated  a new hybrid  algorithm  of Whale Optimiza- tion and Dragonfly algorithm  using a machine learning algorithm.  the hybrid algorithm employs a Support Vec- tor  Machine algorithm  for effective Prediction  of heart disease.   Proposed  method  is evaluated  by  Cleveland standard heart  disease dataset.  The  experimental  re- sult  indicates  that  the  SVM accuracy  of 88.89 % and nine features are selected in this respect.
  • Hybrid Optimization Algorithm,
  • Support Vector Machine,
  • Whale Optimization Algorithm,
  • Dragon y Algorithm,
  • Feature Selection
Publication Date
Citation Information
Marzieh Eskandari and Zeinab Hassani. "Intelligent application for Heart disease detection using Hybrid Optimization algorithm.pdf" Journal of Algorithms and Computation (2019)
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