Intelligent application for Heart disease detection using Hybrid Optimization algorithm.pdf
Journal of Algorithms and Computation
Prediction of heart disease is very important because it
is one of the causes of death around the world. More- over, heart disease prediction in the early stage plays a main role in the treatment and recovery disease and reduces costs of diagnosis disease and side effects it. Ma- chine learning algorithms are able to identify an effective pattern for diagnosis and treatment of the disease and identify effective factors in the disease. this paper is in- vestigated a new hybrid algorithm of Whale Optimiza- tion and Dragonfly algorithm using a machine learning algorithm. the hybrid algorithm employs a Support Vec- tor Machine algorithm for effective Prediction of heart disease. Proposed method is evaluated by Cleveland standard heart disease dataset. The experimental re- sult indicates that the SVM accuracy of 88.89 % and nine features are selected in this respect.
- Hybrid Optimization Algorithm,
- Support Vector Machine,
- Whale Optimization Algorithm,
- Dragon y Algorithm,
- Feature Selection
Publication Date
Citation Information
Marzieh Eskandari and Zeinab Hassani. "Intelligent application for Heart disease detection using Hybrid Optimization algorithm.pdf" Journal of Algorithms and Computation (2019) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/marzieh-eskandari/4/