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About Mary Ellen Kenreich (Emerita)

Mary Ellen Kenreich, associate professor and acquisitions librarian, has served the University for twelve years. The nomination portfolio for the Butler Award is a testament to her outstanding performance as a member of the Library faculty.

Professor Kenreich works behind the scenes with great dedication to ensure that relevant information is made available to Library patrons. She is valued for the technical expertise she brings to acquisitions processes at the University. She is also valued for her leadership, expertise, and reputation within the greater library and technology community.

Professor Kenreich is highly respected for being a leader among Library faculty. Her leadership in the Library has included administrative duties, faculty governance, promotion and tenure review, and committee service.

Professor Kenreich willingly shares her expertise. She provides instruction to library paraprofessionals in her unit. She is valued for her publications in professional library science journals, for presentations at professional meetings, and for involvement in professional library organizations.

Professor Kenreich’s contributions to University service are impressive and much appreciated. She has served three times as a faculty senator, been on numerous campus committees, and volunteers for various campus activities.


July 2017 - Present Professor Emeritus, Portland State University University Library
July 2017 Head of Acquisitions and Preservation, Portland State University University Library

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Kenneth W. and Elsie W. Butler Award for Library Faculty Service

Contact Information

