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About Mary Fechner

Mary Fechner is a Proposal Development Specialist in the UMass Office of Research Development, under the VC for Research and Engagement. In that role, she consults with faculty in STEM and social and behavioral science disciplines, advising them on the development of research proposals to federal agencies (e.g., NIH, NSF). She also designs and delivers faculty workshops on themes relevant to proposal development. She supports interdisciplinary research (IDR) projects and the development of best practices for same, particularly with respect to the integration of social science with STEM and life science disciplines.
She holds a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology, with emphases in medical anthropology and the ethnography of communication. Her research has been funded by NIH and the Social Science Research Council. She has studied the role of culture on heart disease, depression, and their comorbidity, in conditions of social upheaval (e.g., the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe and German reunification). Through her research, she seeks to better understand the impact of culture in shaping health and (chronic) illness outcomes, particularly heart disease and its precursors.


Present Adjunct Research Associate - Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Present Affiliate - Center for Research on Families (CRF), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Present Affiliate - Institute of Social Science Research (ISSR), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Present Proposal Development Specialist, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Contact Information

Mary J. Fechner, Ph.D.
Proposal Development Specialist
Research Development
221 Arnold House
University of Massachusetts
715 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9304
413.545.4893 (Phone)
413.577.0216 (Fax)
