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Nursing Manpower Status in South Africa -A Comparative 5-year Perspective: 1989 and 1993
Curationis (1994)
  • Mary Estelle Bester, Georgia Southern University
A retrospective, non-experimental, descriptive study was undertaken to determine the trends in nursing resources in South Africa between 1989 and 1993. Results obtained from data-analysis in 1993 were compared to a similar study done by Professor Kotze in her capacity as president of the South African Council of Nursing in 1989. It is shown that there was a continuous decline in the growth rate of registered nurses over the period from 9,4% in 1989 to 1,88% in 1992, with a slight increase of 3,18% in 1993. In the student category, a negative growth was found during 1990 (-6,05%), 1992 (-1,69%) and an even worse rate of - 25,91% in 1993. The ratio of registered nurses versus the sub-professional group worsened and varied between 0,94% in 1988,1,02 in 1989 an d 0,98 in 1993.

Publication Date
June, 1994
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Citation Information
Mary Estelle Bester. "Nursing Manpower Status in South Africa -A Comparative 5-year Perspective: 1989 and 1993" Curationis Vol. 17 Iss. 2 (1994) p. 15 - 19
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