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Nursing Study on the Occurrence of Unplanned Home Births in Tygerburg Hospital
Curationis (1994)
  • Mary Estelle Bester, Georgia Southern University
A retrospective, descriptive study was conducted from March to May 1992 to investigate the incidence, factors associated with, and neonatal and maternal complications of babies born before arrival (BBA) at the Tygerberg Hospital and its peripheral clinics. This was done by means of a personal interview with 30 of the mothers within 6 hours after the birth of their babies, representing 44% of the study population during the period the study was undertaken. The incidence of BBA over the period was 5.3%. The typical patient who presented with BBA, was found to have little education, no or small income, gravida 2 and between the ages of 20 and 25 years. As much as 47% of patients did not have transport available. Only 53% of patients received specific guidance as to when to come to the hospital or clinic. The majority of these "informed" respondents, did not fully understand the information given to them. Maternal complications included vaginal and perineal lacerations, retained placenta and abruptio placentae. 47% of babies developed complications. Neonatal death, breech presentation, prematurity and umbilical cord around the neck, featured prominently. The lack of transport and inadequate or ineffective prenatal guidance and information as well as relative illiteracy were identified as the most important causative factors. The solution to the problem lies at least partially in better prenatal guidance, which includes specific reference to the symptoms of the onset of labour and the timely arranging of transport.
Publication Date
August, 1994
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Citation Information
Mary Estelle Bester. "Nursing Study on the Occurrence of Unplanned Home Births in Tygerburg Hospital" Curationis Vol. 17 Iss. 3 (1994) p. 20 - 23
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