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A Study on the Personal Experience and Competence of Student Nurse Midwives in the Performance of Episiotomy Repairs
Curationis (1995)
  • Mary Estelle Bester, Georgia Southern University
A non-experimental, descriptive study was conducted to determine the knowledge and efficiency of student midwives in the performing of episiotomy repairs. A questionnaire was administered to 50 students from the two universities and affiliated colleges in the Western Cape.

Sixty percent (N = 30) of the respondents regarded themselves as efficient. However, only one of these respondents had all the necessary knowledge concerning perineal repairs with 15 (50%) of these respondents' knowledge that could be considered as insufficient.

Fifty-four percent of the respondents (N = 27) considered it necessary to repair more than 3 episiotomies in order to feel confident.
Publication Date
December, 1995
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Citation Information
Mary Estelle Bester. "A Study on the Personal Experience and Competence of Student Nurse Midwives in the Performance of Episiotomy Repairs" Curationis Vol. 18 Iss. 4 (1995) p. 52 - 55
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