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Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Students Concerning Aids in Three Educational Institutions in the Western Cape
Curationis (1996)
  • Mary Estelle Bester, Georgia Southern University
A survey was done by means of a questionnaire to obtain information on the knowledge and attitudes of 297 nursing students from three training institutions in the Western Cape regarding HIV-infection and AIDS-patients. 
Results indicated: 
  • The average knowledge regarding AIDS scored 72.5%
  •  They generally had a positive attitude regarding the caring for AIDS-patients;
  •  81% of the junior and 54% of the senior students were of opinion that their training were inadequate while
  •  91.5% of the respondents held the opinion that the training hospital must provide more training. 
It is recommended that the curricula of training institutions make adequate provision for relevant training regarding AIDS.

Publication Date
December, 1996
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Citation Information
Mary Estelle Bester. "Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Students Concerning Aids in Three Educational Institutions in the Western Cape" Curationis Vol. 19 Iss. 4 (1996) p. 64 - 66
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