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One More Time: Transforming the Curriculum across the Disciplines through Technology-Based Faculty Development and Writing-Intensive Course Redesign
  • Mary M. Balkun
  • Kelly Shea
  • Susan Nolan
  • John Saccoman
  • Joyce Wright
This article describes a writing-across-the-curriculum project that was born of
one university's commitment to writing and ubiquitous computing.  Faculty members
across the disciplines, seeing an opportunity to re-introduce WAC on its campus through
a curriculum development initiative funded out of an internal teaching, learning, and
technology center, engaged nearly 70 faculty members in WAC training over four
years.  The project and its results are described, with special emphasis on three case
studies from faculty members in psychology, mathematics, and nursing, who employed
WAC principles and instructional technology to infuse writing into their teaching and
their students' learning.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mary M. Balkun, Kelly Shea, Susan Nolan, John Saccoman, et al.. "One More Time: Transforming the Curriculum across the Disciplines through Technology-Based Faculty Development and Writing-Intensive Course Redesign" (2006)
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