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Therapy Dogs, Sleeping Pods, Student Jobs -- Academic Libraries and Student Wellness
Idaho Library Association Annual Conference (2017)
  • Mary Aagard, Boise State University
Student wellness is an increasing concern of higher education administrators. Colleges and universities consider the dimensions of wellness including: social, financial, physical, and emotional aspects of students’ lives. Academic libraries also consider the ways the library can cater to the “whole” student – often by providing extra amenities around final exam times, designating space for reflection or religious rites, and inviting differing student services into library spaces. What expanded role can the library play in student wellness and how do they contribute to the campus community concerned with student well-being? This session will discuss how university libraries provide programming and events, liaison programs, co-location of library and student services, and other ways libraries intersect with student wellness.
Publication Date
October 5, 2017
Boise, ID
Citation Information
Mary Aagard. "Therapy Dogs, Sleeping Pods, Student Jobs -- Academic Libraries and Student Wellness" Idaho Library Association Annual Conference (2017)
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