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Using Information Theory to Extract Patterns from Categorical Raster Data
Systems Science Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • David Percy, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Information theory,
  • categorical data,
  • Geographic Information Systems,
  • Reconstructability Analysis,
  • NLCD satetlite data,
  • R-Studio,
  • Python

Information theory -- Reconstructability Analysis (RA) implemented in the Occam software -- was used to extract patterns from National Land Cover Data. The aim was to predict temporal change in evergreen forests from time-lagged and spatially adjacent states. The NLCD satellite data were preprocessed with Python and submitted to Occam for analysis, and Occam output was also explored with R-studio. The effectiveness of RA methodology for the analysis of this type of categorical space-time grid data was demonstrated.


Presented at GIS in Action, April 21, 2021 Virtual conference hosted by Portland State University.

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Citation Information
Percy, David (2021). "Using Information Theory to Extract Patterns from Categorical Raster Data." Presented at GIS in Action, a virtual conference, Portland State University, April 21, 2021.