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Zipped file for R script to display hypergraph RA models
  • Teresa Danielle Schmidt, Portland State University
A script in R written by Teresa Schmidt for either (a) visualizing models (hypergraphs) in R and exporting the hypergraph or (b) outputting .csv files for use in the network program Gephi or both. Instructions, titled "Plotting OCCAM hypergraph networks," are in the zipped folder.
  • hypergraphs,
  • networks,
  • R script,
  • Gephi,
  • Reconstructability Analysis,
  • OCCAM,
  • Occam
Publication Date
March 3, 2016
PLOTTING OCCAM HYPERGRAPH NETWORKS (this is included in zipped folder)
Teresa Schmidt
Here is a script that will plot your OCCAM model as a hypergraph network. Before you use it, you will need to have an OCCAM input file ready, as well as an OCCAM model that you want to plot. Once you have those you can...
1. Download and install R on your computer
2. Open R and from within R open the file “”
3. Select the two text lines that begin with "install.packages; click 'Run' or press Ctrl+R
4. Enter information on subsequent lines regarding (a) your model, (b) the path to the OCCAM input file (now set as the desktop – enter your name), (c) the path where you want the pdf of your plot to be placed (now set as the desktop – enter your name), and optionally, (d) the name of the network (the name of the pdf file). 
5. Comment out the two install lines by inserting a “#” in front of them (as the first character of these two lines), since you need to install these packages only once.
6. Select all the lines of text by pressing Ctrl+a and click 'Run' again.
7. You should find a network plot appear within R, and you should also find a PDF version of it saved to your computer in location specified by (c) above.
If you have any trouble, email me at, including your OCCAM input file and the model that you want to graph.
Citation Information
Teresa Danielle Schmidt (2016). R script for plotting hypergraphs.