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Nuovi Dati Sulla Necropoli del Cavone di Monte Li Santi a Narce (Scavo 2015)
Bollettino Di Archeologia On Line
  • Maria Anna De Lucia Brolli, Archeologia del Lazio e dell’Etruria meridionale
  • Jacopo Tabolli, University of Cyprus
  • Marco Pacifici, Università di Roma
  • Marshall Joseph Becker, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
  • Nicola Pagani, Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro
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This paper presents the results of the 2015 excavation in the necropolis of Monte Li Santi at the Faliscan site of Narce. Our knowledge of the necropolis was based until now mainly on the 1894 publication in the Monumenti Antichi dei Lincei. During the 2015 excavation, three large rock-cut chamber tombs were discovered, unfortunately already looted, together with a series of niches near them, used probably for ritual practices. In the different sections of this paper, the authors discuss the history of the research, the stratigraphy, the finds, the few human remains discovered and the process of conservation of the finds.

Direzione Generale Archeologia
Citation Information
Maria Anna De Lucia Brolli, Jacopo Tabolli, Marco Pacifici, Marshall Joseph Becker, et al.. "Nuovi Dati Sulla Necropoli del Cavone di Monte Li Santi a Narce (Scavo 2015)" Bollettino Di Archeologia On Line Vol. 7 Iss. 1 (2016) p. 1 - 72
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