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Women’s health priorities and interventions
  • Marleen Temmerman, Aga Khan University
  • Rajat Khosla, World Health Organization
  • Laura Laski, United Nations Population Fund, New York
  • Zoe Mathews, University of Southampton
  • Lale Say, World Health Organization
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Over the past decades, governments have taken steps towards improving women’s health in line with commitments made in key international summits. Progress has been made in reducing maternal mortality,1 which accelerated with the launch of the United Nations secretary general’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health in 2010. Use of maternal healthcare and family planning has increased in some countries.2 Progress has also been seen on two determinants of women’s health—school enrolment rates for girls and political participation of women—but not for others such as gender based violence.3

However, societies are still failing women in relation to health, especially in low resource settings. Discrimination on the basis of their sex leads to health disadvantages for women.4 Structural determinants of women’s health, along with legal and policy restrictions, often restrict women’s access to health services.

This paper elaborates the health problems women face, and priority interventions to overcome them, as a background for and informing the updating of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health

Citation Information
Marleen Temmerman, Rajat Khosla, Laura Laski, Zoe Mathews, et al.. "Women’s health priorities and interventions" BJM Vol. 351 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 4 - 9
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