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Navigating Award-Winning Nonfiction Children's Literature
The Reading Teacher
  • Jennifer M. Smith, Texas Christian University
  • Marla K. Robertson, Utah State University
Document Type
International Literacy Association
Publication Date

Nonfiction children's literature has changed in recent years, including an increase in organizational, design, and text features. The authors conducted a content analysis of 112 nonfiction award-winning and honor books from 2000 to 2018 to examine how the books have changed over time. The authors discuss the patterns, changes, and complexities found in nonfiction children's literature and provide text sets and guiding questions for classroom instruction and exploration of three features that appear in books in a variety of ways and may be challenging for students: atypical text, graphics with information, and supplemental expository information.


This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Smith, J.M., & Robertson, M.K.(2019). Navigating award-winning nonfiction children’s literature. The Reading Teacher,73(2), 195-204. DOI10.1002/trtr.1811, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.

Citation Information
Smith, J.M., & Robertson, M.K.(2019). Navigating award-winning nonfiction children’s literature. The Reading Teacher,73(2), 195-204. DOI10.1002/trtr.1811