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Managing Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural Fields
Plant and Soil Sciences Research Report
  • Mark S. Coyne, University of Kentucky
  • Wei Ren, University of Kentucky

Agriculture is a major contributor to atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) (Smith et al., 2014; Tian et al., 2015). Unfortunately, nitrous oxide destroys stratospheric ozone (O3) which protects us from ultraviolet radiation (Cicerone, 1989) and it increases ground level O3, whichis an air pollutant threatening human health and food production. Nitrous oxide is also 298 times more potent than an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in terms of trapping and absorbing reflected solar radiation (Forster et al., 2007). Basic chemistry and physics assure us that increased levels of N2O in the atmosphere are not good.

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Citation Information
Mark S. Coyne and Wei Ren. "Managing Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Agricultural Fields" Vol. 6 (2017)
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