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Soil Organic Carbon Fractions Differ in Two Contrasting Tall Fescue Systems
Plant and Soil (2011)
  • Iin P. Handayani, Murray State University
  • Mark S. Coyne, University of Kentucky
  • Timothy D. Phillips, University of Kentucky
The value of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) for C sequestration in addition to forage production and soil conservation is of current interest. However, studies relating to the impacts of endophyte infected (E+) and endophyte free (E−) tall fescue on soil organic matter fractions are few. This study examined how E+ and E− growth affected soil C fractions 4 years after establishment. The study site was at the University of Kentucky research farm, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. From soil cores in replicated fields we measured total C, particulate organic matter C (POM C), microbial biomass C (MBC), mineralizable C (Min C), C in aggregates, and aggregate distribution at depths of 0 to 15 and 15 to 30 cm. Significant effects between E+ and E- fescue were sometimes observed for MBC, Min C, C in micro-aggregates, and aggregate distribution, but not for total C, and POM C. At 0–15 cm MBC (E+ 26% greater than E−), Min C (E+ 43% lower than E−), C associated with micro-aggregates (E+ 15% lower than E−), and micro-aggregates (46% more micro-aggregates in E+ than E−), were affected by endophyte infection, confirming hypotheses that early changes in soil properties were reflected in labile C fractions and soil structure. Endophyte infection status in tall fescue has quantifiable effects on C sequestration and soil structure, achievable in a relatively short period that can be used to monitor conservation efforts and the consequences of pasture renovation strategies.
  • Aggregation,
  • Mineralizable C,
  • Soil microbial biomass,
  • Particulate organic matter,
  • Tall fescue
Publication Date
January, 2011
Citation Information
Iin P. Handayani, Mark S. Coyne and Timothy D. Phillips. "Soil Organic Carbon Fractions Differ in Two Contrasting Tall Fescue Systems" Plant and Soil Vol. 338 Iss. 1 (2011) p. 43 - 50
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