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New U–Pb Geochronology for the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Critical Reevaluation of High-Precision Ages and Their Impact on the End-Triassic Extinction Event
Scientific Reports
  • Alisson L. Oliveira, Boise State University
  • Mark D. Schmitz, Boise State University
  • Corey J. Wall, Boise State University
  • James L. Crowley, Boise State University
  • Antomat A. Macêdo Filho, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Maria Helena B. M. Hollanda, Universidade de São Paulo
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The end-Triassic extinction (ETE) event represents one of the ‘big five’ episodes of mass extinction. The leading hypothesis for the cause of the ETE is the intrusion of voluminous magmas of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) into carbon-rich sediments of two South American sedimentary basins, around 201.5 Ma. The timing of dikes and sills emplacement, however, must be considered in light of age models from CAMP rocks occurring in North America. In this work, we present new high-precision ages for critical samples in NE Brazil (201.579 ± 0.057 Ma) and Canada (201.464 ± 0.017 Ma), in order to evaluate how the South and North American magmatic events compare at the 100-ka level, and to the ETE timing. We also discuss inter-laboratory reproducibility of high-precision CAMP ages, including the 230Th disequilibrium corrections that are made to zircon U–Pb dates. Our findings in this newly discovered extension of the CAMP large igneous province in NE Brazil support the hypothesis that the CAMP may be responsible for the ETE through the triggering of greenhouse gas release from magma-evaporite interactions (contact metamorphism) in the South American basins.

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Citation Information
Oliveira, Alisson L.; Schmitz, Mark D.; Wall, Corey J.; Crowley, James L.; Macêdo Filho, Antomat A.; and Hollanda, Maria Helena B. M. (2023). "New U–Pb Geochronology for the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Critical Reevaluation of High-Precision Ages and Their Impact on the End-Triassic Extinction Event". Scientific Reports, 13, 5485.