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About Mark R. Hansen

Dr. Mark R. Hansen came to Boise State University in 2007 as professor of the Department of Music. His previous faculty and administrative positions were at Gettysburg College, Western Illinois University, Illinois Wesleyan University, and the University of Central Arkansas. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music – Magna cum Laude from the University of Utah, a Master's from Brigham Young University in piano performance, and then his Doctor of Musical Arts in piano performance from the University of North Texas. His teachers and coaches have included Joseph Banowetz, Alicia de Larrocha, Paul Pollei, and Gladys Gladstone. Dr. Hansen has a long-standing research interest in Catalan piano literature and pedagogical methods, and also enjoys choral conducting, organ performance, and the composition and publication of sacred choral music.
Some of the exciting developments since Dr. Hansen came to Boise State include becoming Idaho’s first All-Steinway School, which was celebrated with a special performance at the annual holiday concert in 2011, and the creation of four new graduate fellowships in partnership with the Boise Philharmonic, and funded in part by Boise State’s Arts and Humanities Institute.


2007 - Present Professor, Boise State University Department of Music


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  • Applied Piano for Performance Majors
  • Graduate Piano Literature
  • Materials of Music III
  • Form and Analysis
  • Graduate Advanced Form and Analysis

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