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Conservation Tillage: Adjustment and operation of planters in systems with high levels of surface residue
Agriculture and Environment Extension Publications
  • H. Mark Hanna, Iowa State University
  • S. W. Melvin, Iowa State University
  • Richard O. Pope, Iowa State University
Extension Number
PM 1492K
This publication suggests tillage operation adjustments that may leave an additional 10 to 15 percent surface residue beyond what current practices leave with a chisel plow or disk system.
Series Title
Conservation Tillage
Publication Date:
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
  • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering,
  • Crops,
  • Equipment and Machinery

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Citation Information
H. Mark Hanna, S. W. Melvin and Richard O. Pope. "Conservation Tillage: Adjustment and operation of planters in systems with high levels of surface residue" Ames, IA(2008)
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