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About Mark J. Eppli

Prior to joining Marquette, Professor Eppli was Professor of Finance and Real Estate in the School of Business and Public Management at The George Washington University for eleven years, where he directed the MBA program in Real Estate and Urban Development. Additionally, he has been an instructor for the Urban Land Institute's Real Estate School since 1992.
Professor Eppli has published research on a range of real estate related topics. His research includes shopping center economics, single-family housing valuation, commercial mortgage default, new urbanism, among others. The research has been published in journals including Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Land Economics, Journal of Fixed Income, Journal of Real Estate Research, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Real Estate Literature, The Appraisal Journal, Real Estate Review, and others. Additionally, Professor Eppli has published a book on new urbanism and written several book sections on real estate finance for the Urban Land Institute. Since 1987, Professor Eppli and coauthors have received grants and research awards totaling over $330,000.
Prior to obtaining his doctorate, Professor Eppli pursued a career in commercial real estate. He was Manager of Research and Investment Analysis with PM Realty Advisors and was also employed in the commercial real estate department at General Electric Capital. Over the past decade, he has served as a consultant to a number of finance, real estate, and government entities. Additionally, Professor was the recipient of the Greater Washington Urban League’s “Volunteer of the Year” and the Urban Land Institute’s “Star Performer” award for his efforts in attracting minorities to the real estate industry through an outreach program.


Present Professor of Finance, Marquette University
Present Robert B. Bell, Sr,. Chair in Real Estate, Marquette University


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  • FINA 6953: Real Estate Finance and Investments
  • REAL 3001: Commercial Real Estate Development
  • REAL 4002: Commercial Real Estate Finance