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Extracurricular International Criminal Law
International Criminal Law Review (2016)
  • Mark A. Drumbl
This article unpacks the jurisprudential footprints of international criminal courts and tribunals in domestic civil litigation in the United States conducted under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). The ATS allows victims of human rights abuses to file tort-based lawsuits for violations of the laws of nations. While diverse, citations to international cases and materials in ATS adjudication cluster around three areas: (1) aiding and abetting as a mode of liability; (2) substantive legal elements of genocide and crimes against humanity; and (3) the availability of corporate liability. The limited capacity of international criminal courts and tribunals portends that domestic tort claims as avenues for redress of systematic human rights abuses will likely grow in number. The experiences of US courts of general jurisdiction as receivers of international criminal law instruct upon broader patterns of transnational legal migration and reveal an unanticipated extracurricular legacy of international criminal courts and tribunals.
  • legal migration,
  • comparative international law,
  • domestic incorporation of international criminal law,
  • civil tort claims,
  • legacy,
  • transplants
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mark A. Drumbl, Extracurricular International Criminal Law, 16 Int'l. Crim. L. Rev. 412 (2016).