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Nano Assembly and Encapsulation; A Versatile Platform for Slowing the Rotation of Polyanionic Gd3+-Based MRI Contrast Agents
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
  • Annah Farashishiko, Portland State University
  • Kelly N. Chacón, Oregon Health & Science
  • Ninian J. Blackburn, Oregon Health & Science University
  • Mark Woods, Portland State University
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Encapsulating discrete Gd3+ chelates in nano-assembled capsules (NACs) is a simple and effective method of preparing an MRI contrast agent capable of delivering a large payload of high relaxivity imaging agent. The preparation of contrast agent containing NACs had previously focussed on preparations incorporating GdDOTP5- into the internal aggregate. In this report we demonstrate that other Gd3+ chelates bearing overall charges as low as 2- can also be used to prepare NACs. This discovery opens up the possibility of using Gd3+ chelates that have inner-sphere water molecules that could further increase the relaxivity enhancement associated with the long τR that arises from encapsulation. However, encapsulation of the q = 1 chelate GdDTPA2- did not give rise to a significant increase in relaxivity relative to encapsulation of the outer-sphere chelate GdTTHA3-. This leads us to the conclusion that in the NAC interior proton transport is not mediated by movement of whole water molecules and the enhanced relaxivity of Gd3+ chelate encapsulated within NACs arises primarily from second sphere effects.


Copyright 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Citation Information
Farashishiko, A., Chacón, K. N., Blackburn, N. J., & Woods, M. (2016). Nano assembly and encapsulation; a versatile platform for slowing the rotation of polyanionic Gd(3+) -based MRI contrast agents. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging, 11(2), 154-159.