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Is Dry Soybean Seed an Issue for 2012?
Integrated Crop Management News
  • Mark A. Licht, Iowa State University
  • Terry L. Basol, Iowa State University
  • Andrew W. Lenssen, Iowa State University
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Areas of Iowa and other Corn Belt states were very dry during soybean harvest in 2011. Subsequently much of the soybean harvest occurred at lower than normal grain moisture levels, including soybeans grown for seed. We have heard reports from farmers, Extension and industry personnel that some fields were harvested with seed moisture as low as 7 percent. Handling seed with low moisture must be done very carefully to prevent damage to seed coats. This includes seed movement during harvest, seed cleaning, seed treatment and delivery to planters.

Copyright Owner
Iowa State University
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Citation Information
Mark A. Licht, Terry L. Basol and Andrew W. Lenssen. "Is Dry Soybean Seed an Issue for 2012?" (2012)
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