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Early Baseball Career of Carl Mays in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Utah
  • Mark E Eberle, Fort Hays State University

Carl Mays was a successful submarine (underhand) pitcher in the major leagues from 1915 through 1929 with the Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees, Cincinnati Reds, and New York Giants. He pitched in four World Series. He had 207 wins and 126 losses, with an earned run average of 2.92. His on-field credentials place him among the best pitchers of the time, yet Mays has not been enshrined with his peers in the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Mays had a reputation for pitching inside when batters crowded the plate, and he consequently hit 89 men during his 15-year major league career. Sadly, one of the batters he hit remains the focus of his professional baseball legacy. In 1920, a pitch thrown by Mays hit Cleveland Indians shortstop Ray Chapman in the head. Chapman died at the hospital the following morning, the only major league player to die from an injury received during a game. Other authors have described this tragedy in detail, along with other events in the major league career of Carl Mays. What has been missing is a fuller account of his early days in baseball, when Mays was a dominant overhand pitcher as a teenager for semiprofessional town teams in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Utah. This study focuses on his experiences during this formative period, including his participation in the “flat bat game” in Kansas and his stint as a pitcher in Utah after he was caught riding freight trains west to pursue his baseball career.

  • Carl Mays,
  • Sub Mays,
  • Mansfield Missouri,
  • Kingfisher Oklahoma,
  • Hennessey Oklahoma,
  • Mulvane Kansas,
  • Protection Kansas,
  • Price Utah,
  • baseball
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Citation Information
Mark E Eberle. Early Baseball Career of Carl Mays in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Utah. (2019)
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