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Envisioning Critical Social Entrepreneurship Education: Possibilities, Questions, and Guiding Commitments
Communication, Media & The Arts Faculty Publications
  • Mark Congdon, Jr., Sacred Heart University
  • Liliana Herakova, University of Maine
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

Higher education institutions continue to be increasingly interested in examining how social entrepreneurship and community engaged approaches to education can work together. In light of the recent growth and interest in such programs, scholars and educators have called for attention to specific considerations when developing SE and community-based education, which can be summed up in three areas - pedagogy, relationships, and impact. The present essay builds on such propositions, and calls for a critically-orientated approach to SE, grounded in community engagement, collaborative dialogue among diverse voices, and a commitment to transforming oppressive structures

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
Citation Information

Congdon, M., & Herakova, L. (2020). Envisioning critical social entrepreneurship education: Possibilities, questions, and guiding commitments. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement, 11(1), 287-306.