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School Health Fairs Show Potential to Improve Short-term Learning
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (2010)
  • Marjorie R. Freedman, San Jose State University
School-based health fairs, that include a variety of informational and/or “fun” booths, are examples of Level 1 interventions designed to build awareness of a health or nutritional topic or problem.1 Designing, implementing, and evaluating a health fair requires considerable resources. Yet recent examination of their efficacy in increasing knowledge is limited.23 and 4 No research has been conducted on preadolescents, a group whose patterns of behavior and food choices may affect their current and future health status. Currently, almost one third of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 are overweight or obese.5 Less than 10% of females and 25% of males aged 9 to 13 years old meet calcium requirements.6 This project developed and evaluated a 1-day health fair aimed at increasing knowledge relating to healthful eating and physical activity in a multiethnic group (43% Caucasian, 42% Asian, and 12% Hispanic) of preadolescents attending a large, suburban middle school.
Publication Date
March, 2010
Publisher Statement
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article whose final and definitive form, the Version of Record, has been published in Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2010 in Volume 42, Issue 2. Find the published version of this article at this link.

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Citation Information
Marjorie R. Freedman. "School Health Fairs Show Potential to Improve Short-term Learning" Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Vol. 42 Iss. 2 (2010) p. 137 - 138 ISSN: 1499-4046
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