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Gender, Residence and Ethnicity Affect Freshman BMI and Dietary Habits
American Journal of Health Behavior (2010)
  • Marjorie R. Freedman, San Jose State University
Objectives : To examine relationships between gender, ethnicity, and residency, with factors influencing weight gain in 756 multiethnic college freshmen.

Methods : An online survey obtained participants' height and weight; consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meals; dieting and exercise patterns.

Results : Ten percent of Asians were underweight; most lived off campus. Forty percent of Hispanics were overweight/obese; most lived on campus. After starting college, on-campus students decreased intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meal frequency; off-campus students decreased dairy and dinner frequency (P < 0.001). Few met dietary guidelines.

Conclusions : Moving to campus may contribute to weight gain in some ethnic groups.
  • ethnicity,
  • freshman weight gain,
  • residence
Publication Date
September, 2010
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Marjorie R. Freedman. "Gender, Residence and Ethnicity Affect Freshman BMI and Dietary Habits" American Journal of Health Behavior Vol. 34 Iss. 5 (2010) p. 513 - 524 ISSN: 1087-3244
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