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The Pavitt Taxonomy, Revisited. Patterns of innovation in manufacturing and services
Economia Politica (2016)
  • Francesco Bogliacino
  • Mario Pianta
In this article we discuss how to summarize the persistent and large heterogeneity in
innovative behaviour and economic performance. A Revision of the Pavitt (1984) taxonomy
- covering manufacturing and services, as well as ICT activities – is proposed as a key tool
for identifying common characteristics and diversities in patterns. An extensive analysis of
Innovation Survey data, on sources, objectives, inputs and outcomes of innovation, allows us
to test alternative industry groupings, leading to an extensive assessment of a Revised Pavitt
Taxonomy that is able to capture major structural differences in the relationship between
innovation and performance. As industries’ classifications has changed from NACE Rev.1
to NACE Rev.2 in 2008, a Revised Pavitt taxonomy is also provided for the new industries
  • Innovation,
  • Innovation Surveys,
  • Pavitt Taxonomy
Publication Date
Citation Information
Francesco Bogliacino and Mario Pianta. "The Pavitt Taxonomy, Revisited. Patterns of innovation in manufacturing and services" Economia Politica (2016)
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