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Editor's Note
Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education
  • Mario D'Agostino, Nova Southeastern University
Publication Date


When I first learned that my institution, Nova Southeastern University (NSU), was acquiring Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (ELTHE), I was immediately struck by two seemingly disparate emotions: elation and apprehension. On one hand, I was grateful for the opportunity to join the journal as Managing Editor, especially since I revel in overseeing a prospective author’s writing process. It is such an amazing experience assisting authors with their ideas and watching as an initial node of thought materializes on the page, enduring and withstanding countless drafting, revising, and editing suggestions, before finally arriving at its final form. Indeed, this was an exciting time for those of us involved in the journal’s transition from Southern Utah University (SUU) to NSU. Beyond the excitement many of us felt, I personally could not evade my sense of apprehension. As someone familiar with ELTHE’s catalogue and the important voices that have graced the pages of this journal, my concern regarded how we would rise to the occasion and sustain the incredible foundation laid by the editors, reviewers, and authors that came before us. After all, the journal’s inaugural Editor, Kurt Harris, did not shy away from setting a grand objective for the journal in his “A Note from the Editor,” writing that: “[the goal of ELTHE] is to build an internationally recognized and oft-cited journal” that is “dedicated to the promotion of experiential learning and teaching specifically in higher education.” (“A Note,” 2017). With Harris’ mandate in mind, Dr. Kevin Dvorak—the journal’s incoming Editor-in-Chief—and I immediately got to work laying out a plan for how we would push ELTHE into the future.

Citation Information
Mario D'Agostino. "Editor's Note" (2020) p. 1 - 2
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