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What About the Men? A Critical Review of Men’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence
Trauma, Violence, and Abuse
  • Kelly Scott-Storey, University of New Brunswick
  • Sue O’Donnell, University of New Brunswick
  • Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Western University
  • Colleen Varcoe, The University of British Columbia
  • Nadine Wathen, Western University
  • Jeannie Malcolm, University of New Brunswick
  • Charlene Vincent, University of New Brunswick
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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a health problem affecting people of all genders and other social locations. While IPV victimization of cis-gendered women has been widely researched, how men conceptualized or experience IPV victimization, and the variations in their experiences of IPV, has not been thoroughly examined. In this critical review of men’s experiences of IPV, an extensive search of peer reviewed literature was conducted using multiple database (Cochrane database, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, PsycgINFO, and Google Scholar) as well as the gray literature. We critically reviewed examining the conceptual foundations of IPV victimization among men. The influence or gender roles and societal expectation on men’s experiences and perceptions of IPV victimization and their help-seeking behavior are explored. Current knowledge about types, tactics, and patterns of IPV against men and the health and social consequences of IPV are addresses. Additionally, the conceptual and empirical limitations of current research are discussed, including the tendency to compare only the prevalence rates of discrete incidents of abuse among women versus men; the use of IPV measures not designed to capture men’s conceptualizations of IPV; and the lack of attention given to sex and gender identity of both the victim and perpetrator. Future research priorities that address these limitations and seek to strengthen and deepen knowledge about IPV among men are identified.

Citation Information
Kelly Scott-Storey, Sue O’Donnell, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Colleen Varcoe, et al.. "What About the Men? A Critical Review of Men’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence" Trauma, Violence, and Abuse (2022)
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