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About Marian Hillar

1945-1952 Elementary School; Summa cum laude
1952-1956 Secondary School (preparatory for the University); Equivalent of B.S. and B.A.; Summa cum laude
1956-1962 University Medical School of Danzig; M.D., Summa cum laude School equivalent to Yale, Princeton, and Harvard Universities
1961 Studies at UniversitA~(c) de Paris (Sorbonne), one month training in the Laboratoire de Biochimie MA~(c)dicale, Hpital Cochin, under Prof. G. Schapira
1962-1963 Internship for Medical License
1962-1966 University Medical School of Danzig, Department of Biochemistry; Ph.D. in Biochemistry; Dissertation: "Uncoupling of Oxidative Phosphorylation by Basic Proteins"; part of it published in Acta Biochim. Polon. 12, 133-141, 1965; 12, 379-385,
1965; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 97,144-146, 1965 and several other papers. Studies of Biochemistry, History of Philosophy, History of Medicine, Languages, and History of French Literature
1964-1965 Additional training in organic chemistry at the University of Danzig; Additional studies of French literature at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow. 1966. Eight-week postgraduate course in the Application of Mathematical Methods in Biological Sciences, organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.


Present Professor, Texas Southern University College of Science, Engineering and Technology (COSET), Department of Biology


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