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Disproportionality in Education and Employment Outcomes of Adult Foster Care Alumni
Children and Youth Services Review
  • Marian S. Harris, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Lovie J. Jackson
  • Kirk O'Brien
  • Peter J. Pecora
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Racial similarities and disparities in the education and employment of 134 African American and 574 White adults placed in foster care as children were examined. Logistic regression was used to compare differences among these young adult alumni who were served by a voluntary foster care agency in 23 U.S. communities. When controlling for demographic background, risk factors, and foster care experiences, race/ethnicity was a significant factor only in the increased odds of White alumni having income at or above poverty level, three times poverty level, and home/apartment ownership compared to African Americans.

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Citation Information
Marian S. Harris, Lovie J. Jackson, Kirk O'Brien and Peter J. Pecora. "Disproportionality in Education and Employment Outcomes of Adult Foster Care Alumni" Children and Youth Services Review Vol. 31 Iss. 11 (2009) p. 1150 - 1159
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