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Analysis of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate using aqueous normal-phase chromatography with mass spectrometry
Journal of Separation Science (2015)
  • Joseph J. Pesek, San Jose State University
  • Maria T. Matyska-Pesek, San Jose State University
  • Andy Dang, San Jose State University
The use of aqueous normal-phase chromatography is explored as a possible format for the analysis of the forensically significant compounds ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate. Standard solutions of the two compounds are used to verify the retention capabilities of two stationary phases (diamond hydride and undecanoic acid). These results are then compared to data obtained on hair extracts to determine if any matrix effects exist with respect to both retention and peak shape. The undecanoic stationary phase is used for the establishment of calibration curves for quantitative analysis. These curves are utilized to determine the concentration of ethyl glucuronide in several hair samples tested.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Joseph J. Pesek, Maria T. Matyska-Pesek and Andy Dang. "Analysis of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate using aqueous normal-phase chromatography with mass spectrometry" Journal of Separation Science Vol. 38 Iss. 9 (2015) p. 1515 - 1520
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