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Self-efficacy enhanced in a cross-cultural context
Intercultural Education (2016)
  • Professor Marguerite Maher, The University of Notre Dame Australia
This paper discusses the Khanyisa Programme, an initiative in KwaZulu-Natal,
South Africa, where learners from under-resourced schools are supported by
teachers and high achievers in Grade 11 and 12 from a previously advantaged
state school under apartheid. A qualitative, evaluative study was undertaken to
identify key elements in the ongoing success of the programme and collect
participant suggestions for improvement. The findings, discussed within the
framework of self-efficacy theory, identified enormous gains by Khanyisa
learners, leading to vastly improved career prospects.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Maher, M. (2016). Self-efficacy enhanced in a cross-cultural context through an initiative in under-resourced schools in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Intercultural Education, 27(1), 85-100. DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2016.1144329