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About Margaret Neal (Emerita)

Dr. Neal coordinates the Advisory Council for an Age-Friendly Portland and Multnomah County, which developed an action plan to create a more age-friendly Portland approved by City Council and now being implemented. This work follows on research that Dr. Neal and Dr. Alan DeLaTorre conducted in Portland as one of 33 cities in the World Health Organization's (WHO) Age-Friendly Cities project. Dr. Neal continues to work with the WHO and also AARP to identify indicators of age friendliness. She leads a service-learning program focused on aging and health in Nicaragua in conjunction with the Jessie F. Richardson Foundation, and with Dr. Paula Carder heads up the Aging Matters, Locally and Globally initiative established by alumni Drs. Keren Brown Wilson and Michael DeShane.  Dr. Neal and Dr. Diana White are conducting client satisfaction studies for Multnomah County Aging and Disability services. Dr. Neal also is Co-Principal Investigator of the Oregon Geriatric Education Center (OGEC) with Dr. Elizabeth Eckstrom at Oregon Health & Science University. Former projects have included studies with Dr. Jennifer Dill (Urban Studies and Planning) concerning the effects of "green streets" on active aging (funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), the current and future transportation needs of older Oregonians and the present and future rural transit needs in Oregon (funded by the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Association of Oregon Counties), and , with other colleagues in the College, a study for Metro concerning aging-related shifts in housing and transportation demand. Dr. Neal and Dr. Leslie Hammer (Psychology) also conducted a longitudinal study on working, sandwiched-generation couples, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


2018 - Present Professor Emerita, Portland State University Institute on Aging
2003 - 2018 Director, Portland State University Institute on Aging
2018 Professor, Portland State University OHSU-PSU School of Public Health

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Reports (16)

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