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Stamped Amphora Handles from Tel Beersheba
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
  • William D. E. Coulson, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
  • Margaret S. Mook, Iowa State University
  • James W. Rehard
  • Virginia R. Grace
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Publication Version
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This article publishes the 39 stamped amphora handles found during excavations conducted at Tel Beersheba between 1969 and 1976. All were found in poorly stratified contexts and so have no real stratigraphic value. They do, however, attest to the importance of Beersheba in the Rhodian economic sphere of the late Hellenistic period and add to our knowledge of Rhodesian fabricants and eponyms of the second century B.C.


© 1997 American Schools of Oriental Research. All rights reserved. Republished here by permission of the American Schools of Oriental Research

Copyright Owner
American Schools of Oriental Research
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Citation Information
William D. E. Coulson, Margaret S. Mook, James W. Rehard and Virginia R. Grace. "Stamped Amphora Handles from Tel Beersheba" Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Vol. 306 (1997) p. 47 - 62
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