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Foreword Symposium: Having It Our Way: Women in Maryland's Workplace Circa 2027
All Faculty Scholarship
  • Margaret E. Johnson, University of Baltimore School of Law
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Publication Date

On November 14, 2007, the University of Baltimore School of Law, the University of Maryland School of Law and the Women's Law Center of Maryland co-sponsored a symposium entitled "Having it Our Way: Women in Maryland's Workplace Circa 2027." The insightful collection of papers in this volume of the University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class represents the work of employment law scholars, public policy specialists, and activists who presented on the current state of Maryland employment law and discussed Maryland's future. This distinguished group of experts and scholars present several themes: the hope of new state laws and how best to effectuate their intent; the work necessary to change Maryland's outdated employment law protections for women employees; the ongoing gender pay disparity, lack of protection for family responsibility discrimination, and paucity of leave rights available for women workers; the importance of coalition building among employee and employer groups in creating and passing new laws; and the need to be creative and think beyond federal laws or existing frameworks in modeling Maryland's new employment law landscape.

Citation Information
Foreword Symposium: Having It Our Way: Women in Maryland's Workplace Circa 2027, 9 U. Md. L.J. Race, Religion, Gender & Class 1 (2009)