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Performance Bounds for Grouped Incoherent Measurements in Compressive Sensing
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2015)
  • Adam C. Polak, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Marco Duarte, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Dennis L. Goeckel, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Compressive sensing (CS) allows for acquisition of sparse signals at sampling rates significantly lower than the Nyquist rate required for bandlimited signals. Recovery guarantees for CS are generally derived based on the assumption that measurement projections are selected independently at random. However, for many practical signal acquisition applications, including medical imaging and remote sensing, this assumption is violated as the projections must be taken in groups. In this paper, we consider such applications and derive requirements on the number of measurements needed for successful recovery of signals when groups of dependent projections are taken at random. We find a penalty factor on the number of required measurements with respect to the standard CS scheme that employs conventional independent measurement selection and evaluate the accuracy of the predicted penalty through simulations.
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Citation Information
Adam C. Polak, Marco Duarte and Dennis L. Goeckel. "Performance Bounds for Grouped Incoherent Measurements in Compressive Sensing" IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Vol. 63 Iss. 11 (2015)
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