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About Marcella (Marcie) J. Myers, PhD

I am a Professor in the Department of Biology at St. Catherine University and a Carondelet Scholar. I work in the areas of physiology and physical anthropology (PhD from UW-Madison), with a particular focus on the locomotor physiology and biomechanics of humans in contemporary as well as early human populations. I am co-PI on a $1.5 M R25 NIA grant called Katies for Aging Research and Equity (KARE), which prepares underrepresented students for careers in longevity and aging research. I teach Human & Comparative Physiology, Biology of Longevity & Aging, Measuring Human Locomotion, and Biology of #Women.

My research is done collaboratively with undergraduate students and immerses them in all aspects of the experimental process: protocol design, data collection, analysis, and publishing and presenting results. My research looks at factors influencing the metabolic cost of walking and running in humans, particularly while carrying “loads” (children, belly fat, backpacks, or during pregnancy). Recently, my collaborators and I have focused on the energy flux in females and their offspring, including thermoregulation in mothers and their infants and the costs of carrying infants and toddlers. Through my work at the Women's Health Integrative Research (WHIR) Center we are also studying a novel gait training device aimed at improving walking speed, balance, and symmetry in elders.


2011 - Present Professor of Biology, St. Catherine University Biology Department
2011 - 2018 Director of the Women's Health Integrative Research Center, St. Catherine University
2004 - 2011 Associate Professor of Biology, St. Catherine University
1999 - 2004 Assistant Professor of Biology, St. Catherine University
1998 - 1999 Associate Faculty Associate, University of Wisconsin
1996 - 1998 Assistant Faculty Associate, University of Wisconsin
1995 - 1996 Research Associate/Assistant Project Coordinator, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
1990 Visiting Instructor, Carleton College

Curriculum Vitae


2019 - Present Katies for Aging Research and Equity (KARE) at St. Catherine University
National Institute of Health (NIH) - 1R25AG060892-01
NIH R25 (Research Education Program)
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Katherine Campbell and Joshua Guggenheimer
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2011 - Present Undergraduate Research Symposium Co-Organizer, American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA)
2010 - Present Committee on Diversity Member, America Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA)
Present Reviewer, American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Present Reviewer, Integrative and Comparative Biology
Present Reviewer, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Present Reviewer, National Women's Studies Association Journal
Present Reviewer, PLOS ONE
Present Reviewer, PaeloAnthropology
Present Reviewer, Perceptual and Motor Skills
2011 Local Program Planning Committee for AAPA National Meeting, American Association for Physical Anthropologists (AAPA)
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Honors and Awards

  • Endowed Professor in the Sciences, St Catherine University (2009-2012)
  • Research and Creative Work on Women Award, Collaborative Research Category (with Anna Myhre and Cara Wall-Scheffler), Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center for Women, St. Catherine University (2014)
  • Carondelet Scholar, St. Catherine University (2012-present)


  • Senior Seminar
  • Sophomore Seminar
  • Biology of Longevity and Aging
  • Biology of Women
  • Measuring Human Locomotion
  • Human & Comparative Physiology


1995 Ph.D., Zoology, University of Wisconsin Madison
1983 M.S. Zoology, University of Wisconsin Madison
1980 B.S. Zoology, University of Wisconsin Madison

Contact Information

Phone: 651-690-8733


Publications (2)

Collaborative Research Abstracts (11)

External Grant Award (1)

Internal Grant Award (3)

Recent Works (3)