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About Dr. Josita C Maouene

My research focuses on the acquisition of verb meaning in children from 2 to 6 years of age. I take an embodied perspective which means I am looking at what a child has at her disposal (body parts, objects, emotions, rhythm, familiar places, sequences of actions) and I try to build the case that these are fundamental building blocks of verb meanings in children. As a developmental psychologist I compare younger children, older children and adults on experimental tasks, associations, corpus studies, fmri. I am also doing a collaborative work on the development of early noun networks (by 36 months) and on the automatization of higher-level noun categories from their features.


Present Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University
Present Grand Valley State University, Grand Valley State University

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  • Research methods
  • Introductory Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Life-span development

Refereed Publications (7)

Recent Works (2)

Refereed Published Conference Proceedings (12)

student presentation (1)

Workshop (1)

Posters Presented with Proceedings (3)