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About Manki Min

Dr. Manki Min received his Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences from University of Minnesota in 2004. After graduation, he had worked as a postdoctoral research associate at University of Florida for two years and had been an assistant/associate professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at South Dakota State University until 2017.
His current main research interests are 1) security and cryptography including blockchain consensus algorithm and hash-based authentication, technologies for CS/STEM education, and 3) design and analysis of optimization technique and heuristic with main applications to various network topologies.
His main teaching area is in theoretical computer science such as theory of computing and (advanced) data structures and algorithms.


Present Associate Professor, Louisiana Tech University Computer Science


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Contact Information

Phone: 318-257-2916
Fax: 318-257-4922
Office: NETH 245

Research Works (40)