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Evaluating Information: Where Do Librarians and Skeptics Align?
Presented at American Library Association Annual Conference
  • Evan Meszaros, Case Western Reserve University
  • Mandi Goodsett, Cleveland State University
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Although librarians may not realize it, they have many shared goals and values with those who consider themselves “Skeptics.” The presenters of this poster intend to survey a variety of types of librarians who teach patrons how to evaluate sources. The survey will investigate the librarians’ knowledge of concepts in skepticism, awareness of resources available to skeptics, and general attitude towards those who consider themselves skeptics. The poster will synthesize and analyze the results of this survey to reveal where librarians and skeptics align, and how that alignment compares with the attitudes librarians have overall toward the skeptic community.

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Citation Information
Meszaros, E. C., & Goodsett, M. (2017, June). Evaluating information: Where do librarians and skeptics align? Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the American Library Association, Chicago, IL.