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About Manasvi Thumu

Manasvi Thumu is a senior at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. She is interested in biomedical research and is looking into her interest in cardiology through her internship at Northwestern University where she analyzes MRI images of myocardial tissues of patients with scleroderma. Manasvi is the Co-Head of Peer Multicultural Educators whose mission is to promote equity, celebration of cultural and personal identity, and respectful and open-minded discourse in order to improve the social condition of the IMSA community. She coordinates a team of 14 other students on PME along with 10+ culture clubs to educate the IMSA community with over 30 programs year round. She is also a Captain of the PF Debate Team where she leads practices and mock debates weekly: the research for the various topics in debate made enjoyable because of her interest in public affairs and legislation.


August 2019 - Present Research Intern, Northwestern University ‐ Feinberg School of Medicine

Curriculum Vitae


Research Interests


2018 - 2019 STEM-In-Action Grant
Army Educational Outreach Program
Colleague(s): Ahana Narayanan, Shivani Venkatraman
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Present Illinois Math and Science Academy