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About Madhu Narayanan

I am on the faculty of the College of Education of Portland State University, where I work in the Educational Leadership & Policy department. I am interested in how institutions both shape and are shaped by the perceptions of individuals, with a particular focus on the culture of schooling. I also have a deep commitment to building just and equitable educational institutions. These interests lie at the intersections of the anthropology and sociology of education, policy, and educator development. I have taught classes in teacher development, social foundations of education, psychology, and leadership preparation. I have written about how educators find agency and autonomy within rigid organizations, the growth and adoption of institutional narratives across different educational landscapes, and the many ways educators confront dynamics or power and authority in their work. Prior to joining the faculty at Portland State University, I worked as a teacher and principal in New York City.


Present Assistant Professor, Portland State University Educational Leadership and Policy


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Articles (9)

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