STEAMing AHEAD WITH LEGO EDUCATION and the computer science and digital fluency standards
NYSCATE (The New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education)
This project was funded through the NYSCATE Brandon DelCorvo Classroom Grant 2023. The purpose of the project was to introduce future and current teachers to the use of hands-on active learning to introduce the Computer Science and Digital Fluency (CS/DF) standards. Five LEGO Education SPIKE Prime kits were purchased with the grant. Faculty and three future teachers worked together to create a workshop that was held on November 9, 2023, for current undergraduate and graduate students. Future use of the LEGO Education SPIKE Prime kits along with the CS/DF standards includes conference presentations, college workshops, and 6-8th grade classroom.
- educational technology,
- CSDF standards,
- Lego Education
Publication Date
November 20, 2022
Rochester, New York
Citation Information
Madeline Craig. "STEAMing AHEAD WITH LEGO EDUCATION and the computer science and digital fluency standards" NYSCATE (The New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education) (2022) Available at:
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