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Riding the Wakelet Wave: Curation Made Easy
The Teaching Professor Virtual Conference (2020)
As educators, we are sometimes caught in information overload from a wide variety of online sources. We don’t always have the time to read it when we see it or we may want to save it for a future project. Curation is becoming an essential skill for all of us. Wakelet is a free curation tool that allows you to store and organize all the content you find on the web, and that includes links, images, tweets, videos, articles or even your own text. After this session, you’ll be able to identify opportunities for curation in and out of the classroom, set up a free Wakelet account and create your first Wakelet, and create a plan for use of Wakelet in the near future for a classroom assignment, a personal project or a professional conference.
Publication Date
May, 2020
Citation Information
"Riding the Wakelet Wave: Curation Made Easy" The Teaching Professor Virtual Conference (2020)
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